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At William Penn, Physical Education coverage includes gymnastic, dance, athletics, multi-skills, fitness and team games such as cricket, rounders, football, hockey, tag rugby and tennis. Through our curriculum, we enable our pupils to think about leading healthy and safe lives. PE is taught by both dedicated PE coaches and teachers themselves. We have Sports Captains, who represent their colour team. These children will support the delivery of lessons as well as the running of Sports Day.

At William Penn, teachers follow the Champions scheme, which is a Sports, Fitness and Health programme for Years 1 to 6. It is an holistic approach to the teaching of PE, which improves fitness, develops skills and deepens knowledge of health and wellbeing. 

Children are encouraged to participate in many different competitive and non-competitive sporting activities, through our locality sporting events and inter-house competitions. We try to enter as many competitions and leagues as possible, to give all the children the chance to take part in competitive game-play if they want to. We also participate in numerous festivals and run sporting workshops too. Sports clubs are offered after school.


When planning our Physical Education curriculum, we take into account –

  • The physical environment to ensure it is accessible for all children.
  • Modifying the equipment we use, to ensure that all learners are able to participate, enjoy and experience success in our lessons.
  • Changes and adaptations can be made to activities and specific tasks to ensure all learners are able to participate fully. Adaptations can range from small, subtle changes when performing a skill through to larger modifications to the activity or sport itself.
  • A key adult can model skills, break down activities into smaller steps and support with the repetition and over-learning of skills.
  • Sports Captains can provide support to motivate and model skills to their peers.
  • Learners working in mixed ability groups providing opportunities for the most able to develop their skills further through demonstrating and coaching.